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Freedom is the fleeting light escaping the darkness allowing us to experience joy, happiness, and plainly put to have a...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sean_Joseph Beaver from USA, Fort Lauderdale FL, gathered 2017-06-16 Freedom is being able to pursue your passions without hindrance and judgement.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Vincent Dimolfetta from USA, Fort Lauderdala FL, gathered 2017-06-16 Freedom is to smile without pain in your soul, to know that you do it because you feel it, without repression. Its the m...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Angie_Katherine Benaoides from Colombia, Ciudad Guchitarila, gathered 2017-05-13 Freedom is truth. He who is free, can love, laugh and respect. Freedom is to fly with your dreams. He who is free, is...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Bruce_Phillip_Madueno Fernandez from Peru, Lima, gathered 2017-05-13 True freedom is when your spirit is the only thing that represents you and you can accomplish your dreams. That no one t...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Claudio Eries from Venezuela, Barquisimento, gathered 2017-05-13 - Freedom to me is the definition of Human nature. It’s to be able to walk where you want, to buy what you want, to scre...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Genesis Rojas Barquinimeto from Venezuela, Barquinimeto, gathered 2017-05-13 In my opinion freedom can be a lot of things. But while I’m traveling I really experience freedom. The freedom to choose...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Lisa Oppenoorth from The Netherlands, Rotterdam, gathered 2017-05-13 Freedom is to live free of violence without armed conflict. Peace for Colombia is a fact, a fact that became reality.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Diego Fernando Barrios from Colombia, Ciudad Chiudeira Caldas, gathered 2017-05-13 Freedom means you can walk your own roads and let your thoughts go their own ways.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Faris Kamal from Sudan, gathered 2017-05-13 Freedom is the encounter of a being with its essence, where it constitutes well being, to have freedom of expression, t...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Alexandra Melo_Guereno from Chile, Ciudad Talcahuano, gathered 2017-05-12 Freedom - The great longing of every human - to be free like the wind, like the water flowing freely in the rivers.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Luis_Ricardos Mesias from Colombia, Pasto Narinio, gathered 2017-05-12 Freedom - to fly over the world with peace for the brothers and on encounter with our greatest love of our own and almig...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of William_Alberto Buchely from Colombia, Pasto Waniuo, gathered 2017-05-12