Latest portraits.
Freedom / Liberty is to be able to act according to my desires, beliefs and needs. Our son (4 years) says: - Freedom is...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Gavin & Mirian Deckers & Sommer from Germany, Travellers on the road, gathered 2017-01-10 Every thought of our lives is a single future, one hope for better tomorrow - love isn't above us, love is within us.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Zejna Dzubur from Bosnia, Mostar, gathered 2017-01-09 Freedom is to be yourself and to love yourself and others, no matter of religion, nation and colour of their skin.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Alen and Adela Gosto from Bosnia, Mostar, gathered 2017-01-08 We are freedom ourselves, without impediments, without fear. Nothing matters but ourselves, respecting everything else....
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Carles L Z Eseandel from Spain, Ibiza, gathered 2017-01-06 Freedom is when the spirit goes home to light.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Lea Katseli from Italy, Riolo Terme, gathered 2016-12-31 Italian, not translated yet..?
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Frederica Pastore from Italy, Riolo Terme, gathered 2016-12-30 What is Freedom? Freedom is to be free to go anywhere like the wind. You are not always free, due to apparent walls. P...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Alberto de Beni and Philipp Gerold from Italy, Verona, gathered 2016-12-28 Freedom is a humane right that is underestimated.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Pål Prøis from Norway, Svelvik, Norway, gathered 2016-11-25 Freedom means ethico-politically think about ourselves and others: respecting each other’s space and let the achieved sp...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Soshia Samiei from Norway, from Iran, Oslo, gathered 2016-11-25 Fridom to me is to wear what I want, and say exactly what I want.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Mathilde Svensson from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2016-11-25 Freedom is a large word that contains so much! To me Freedom involves to feel joy, to be able to choose in corespondens...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Urd Vikøren from Norway, Vik i Sogn, living at Tjøme., gathered 2016-11-13 FREEDOM - A beautiful word with a wonderful meaning. One of the most important words of all. It’s interesting how we pai...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Tomek Staniszewski from Poland, Gdynia, gathered 2016-07-28