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Freedom is my vessel on the pursuit of happiness. Being independent
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Ulrich Nievelstein from Germany, living in Kenya, Mombasa, gathered 2017-02-18 Freedom is a human identity and a state of beeing as who I am. Freedom is about stop dominating everything. To control a...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Marwa Radwar from Egypt, Cairo, gathered 2017-01-25 Freedom - The force which is inside a human - It helps him to shape his hopes and wishes during time, without touchin...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Ahmad Ali from Egypt, Cairo, gathered 2017-01-24 Freedom is beeing able to love whoever you want, regardless of their gender or race, without feeling the need to expla...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Josuf Rezk from Egypt, Cairo, gathered 2017-01-24 Freedom, for me, is this feeling that literally floods your soul, when you know you are the master of yourself, you can...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Labrini Papadopoulou from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-18 Freedom for me is the absolute and independent expression, movement and creation without limitation - and frames. But...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Kostas Rahiotis from Greeze, Athens, gathered 2017-01-17 Freedom is to be first of all humane towards all the creatures (beings) of the earth and the nature. It is also love for...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Spyro Vavvas from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-17 The sence of freedom is an illution. Accept what you cannot change and fight for those you can.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Kleio Moustaka from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-16 Freedom is to fly away from the cages of the mind’s and senses’ illutions. To go to where you are affraid of.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sotiris Garai Falides from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-16 Freedom is the principle of equality.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Vagelis Karathanasis from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-16 Freedom is the right to express myself internally and externally in any way I like.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sergios Michos from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-12 Freedom is a mind wich is open.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Michalis Anaidaris from Greece, Athens, gathered 2017-01-11