Latest portraits.
After spending more than half my life looking for and trying to achieve a certain freedom, I am not longer sure I want t...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Tomas Espedal from Norway, Bergen, gathered 2010-07-08 Freedom is for me in my own head. The opportunities to make choices, sometimes maybe change my mind, but whatever the po...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Gro Rukan Eikefjord from Norway, Førde, gathered 2010-07-08 Freedom to live Freedom to die Freedom’s own conditions. am I ready for freedom? To be and to be imprisoned, To be impri...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of William Ropp from France, Nancy, gathered 2010-06-12 wherever you may walk, you can walk back.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Steinar Kristiansen from Norway, Son, gathered 2010-06-12 Walking barefoot in the grass, a sun-warmed summer morning. To have idea of how to fill the day with activities, gives m...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Bjarne Eriksen from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2010-06-03 Freedom is the right to be different: to act, think and hold beliefs that differ from public opinion. It is the freedom...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Petter A. Stordalen from Norway, Oslo, gathered 2010-05-19 It is freedom from and free- dom to. I got to experience the value of freedom from disease when my wife 11 months ago ga...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Niels Christian Geelmuyden from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2010-03-30 My freedom is being out in the countryside with few belongings and no duties or responsibilities, and knowing that I am...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Charlotte Geelmuyden from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2010-03-30 For me, freedom is a daily inner struggle: against stereotypes – but most of all against habits.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Inger Sitter from Norway, gathered 2010-03-29 A bird flying across open landscape, Freedom
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Pål Hermansen from Norway, Ski, gathered 2010-03-20 Freedom is to be totally honest with yourself – and others. This demands strength; freedom always does.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Heidi Hattestein from Norway, Atløy, gathered 2010-03-17 Freedom to me is to be able to use my senses and ability to learn – experience and acknowledgement so I can walk my way.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Lars T. Steinhovden from Norway, Tjøme, gathered 2010-02-12