Latest portraits.
Freedom? Step 1. Find Jesus (change your mindset) + Step 2. Believe in Jesus (change your way of life) + Step 3....
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Hennie Botha from South Africa, Deneysville, gathered 2017-03-22 I am Paul Maziba. It (freedom) means a lot - because now working together black people and white people we’ve got peace.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Paul Maziba from South Africa, Nelspryit, gathered 2017-03-22 To be led by Christ . To be able to see a new day every morning. To be able to go to work and come back at the end of th...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Rudi Smit from South Africa, Meyerton, gathered 2017-03-22 Sitting at a beach with no one around watching the waves as they roll through set by set. Feeling the wind in my hair, l...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Skye Cason from South Africa, Meyerton, gathered 2017-03-22 It has been said for every man who wants to rule the world there is a man who wants to be free! To most reasonal people...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sue Venter from South Africa, Pretoria, gathered 2017-03-22 Real freedom is not connected to Time, Space or Matter! When you commit your life to our Creator, and trust also in Him...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Thea van Vuuren from South Africa , Meyerton, gathered 2017-03-22 Meaning of the word/them Freedom - To be able to go anywhere, study, intergrate all over the world without the fear of...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Paul Vorzster from South Africa, Lanseria, gathered 2017-03-20 Freedom is being brave, strong, beliving in yourself, loving and just strenghtning a good life without disturbance.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Kenellvie Nlebgnia from Botswana, Gabarone, gathered 2017-03-19 To me freedom means more than just free to whatever I want. Freedom is when my loved ones are happy. Freedom is when I...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Ester Chiluti from Zambia, Livingstone Town, gathered 2017-03-18 The ability to live without being dictated by someone’s opinions that restricts a normal life! The restrictions usual c...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of LiziboE. Toteng from Botswana, Gabarone, gathered 2017-03-18 Freedom: Being able to express yourself, walk and do things you want to do without hinderence from the authority as lon...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Iphemele Kgokgthwane from Botswana, Mogoditshane, gathered 2017-03-17 Freedom, for some people, means total loss of control, but to me it means to live a life God want me to.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Chris W Nel from South Africa, Thaba Tsnwane, gathered 2017-03-16