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The satisfying of tracing for freedom is that one day all of us will be free!
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Gert M Nel from Republic of South Africa, Thabazimbi, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom simply means being independent, doing what you like without hurting other people’s feelings
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Lebogang Grace Majafe from Botswana, Mmankgodi, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom: To me freedom simply means being in the state of being free. For excample you may be locked up in prison for a...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Mootla Aubrey Ramogale from Botswana, Gabarone, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom is like being a butterfly in yourself.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Rhoda Nel from South Africa, Tahabazimbi, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom is a frame of mind, breathing and living, believing I can be myself. Dreaming is one way we can all be free.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sara Rothschild from USA, Corvallis, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom: A state of being allowed to do what you want to to.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sindi Tshepiso Diutlwetse from Botswana, Mmankgodi, gathered 2017-03-16 Freedom is the platform given to an individual to express his thoughts and thinking, without being intimidated or hinder...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Thabiso Bernard Ntshwene from Botswana, Ramotswa, gathered 2017-03-16 The freedom to stay in your country of birth. And to have freedom of speech and movement and have man’s basic need, and...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Kampini Nyanya from Zimbawe - living in Botswana, Gaery Zimbawe - living in Gabarone, gathered 2017-03-15 I believe freedom is conected with language and culture, and your holy spirit in Jesus Christ and your free will. Freed...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Frans Burger from Namibia, Gobabis, gathered 2017-03-14 Freeedom is making your own choices and feel free, and of doing what your heart desires.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Alexander Pritzlaff from Namibia, Grootfontein, gathered 2017-03-11 Freedom is to be able to make your own choice regards to religion, politics etc without prejudice, but also keeping in m...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Andrew Arthur Coetzee from Namibia, Grootfontein, gathered 2017-03-11 Freedom means to be able to make your own decisions and to follow the right path. (live an honest life.)
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Catharine Coetzee from Namibia, Grootfontain, gathered 2017-03-11