Tracing Freedom.

Gintas Kevisias's definition of freedom.

Portrait of Gintas Kevisias from Lithuania, Vilnius.

Definition and personal details of Gintas Kevisias.

For most of my life I have lived in an occupied country. once, long ago, I told a friend that my greatest dream was for my grandson to live in an independent Lithuania. This is why being a witness to Lithuania’s independence is a miracle for me. Freedom is the greatest miracle of my life. There are lots of com- ponents that form freedom for an individual. Freedom is not only good health, quality of life, a happy family and nancial stability. It is not even good luck. Freedom is a mental state and it depends only on how ready you are to achieve it. There is no way of measuring freedom. Freedom should not be de ned as the absence of something, or as an in nite sky or solitary person. Freedom is unique for every individual and every indi- vidual should seek it if they want to grow.

Gintas Kevisias
fromLithuania, Vilnius, definition gathered2008-11-28