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everything around us restricts us; specific rights decided by man, natural law, and religion. people talk about freedom...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Elzbieta Maciolowska from Poland, Kuroswienka, gathered 2008-12-02 Freedom is ultimate free will bordered by the natural laws of mankind.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Martin Popiel from Poland, KurowzwekI, gathered 2008-12-01 I think that our sense of the word “freedom” evolves throughout our lives. For some it is the same as con- science, as r...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Jacek Gruszkiewicz from Poland, Poznan, gathered 2008-12-01 Freedom is the right to be yourself.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Laimonas Staniulionis from Lithuania, Vilnius, gathered 2008-11-28 For most of my life I have lived in an occupied country. once, long ago, I told a friend that my greatest dream was for...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Gintas Kevisias from Lithuania, Vilnius, gathered 2008-11-28 My freedom - is solitude. My favorite music replaces something for me to associate with, the wind is a friend, and the s...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Anastasia Labanova from Lithuania, Vilnius, gathered 2008-11-27 your personal freedom is always with you, but we don’t always have the courage to admit it. once you stop being afraid (...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Julia Ritcik from Lithuania, Vilnius, gathered 2008-11-27 I believe freedom means being able to live together in spite of differences of faith and lifestyle and that we respect e...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Sima from Iran, gathered 2008-11-22 I most often experience freedom when I begin a long train journey; thinking of the world ahead of me and everything that...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Astrid Bjønnes from Norway, Tønsberg, gathered 2008-11-15 To me, freedom means no dictatorship and that everyone has the right to say what they mean. Freedom means justice for ev...
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Abbas Hosseini from Afghanistan, gathered 2008-10-24 To me, the term freedom is irreversibly connected with the slogans of the French revolution about equality and fraternity.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of Jon Michelet from Norway, Larkollen, gathered 2008-10-21 Freedom is a state of mind; we create our own boundaries and limitations – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Portrait and part of freedom definition of David Clarke from United Kingdom, gathered 2008-10-19